To give the archive more structure, we have made a set of criterion for brochure selection. They are;
- There should be at least one photograph printed on the Brochure.
- The venue, date of the exhibition & name of the photographer/s must be mentioned in it. (When it is obvious that its an brochure of an exhibition, we accept the entry without this specification)
- The entry should be original (We do not accept photocopies or digital files of the same)
- The brochure may be a folder, postcard, flyer or invitation card necessarily without any staples or binding.
- It must have no commercial value attached to it. (Most of the photographers don't know us. It’s unfair to ask for a copy that has a commercial value when we cannot afford to pay for it. So, we always ask for a copy that is free of cost.)
We also have a set of criterion for the usage of these brochures that people have contributed. They are;
- We do not use the photo of the cards & brochures for any commercial returns. In any circumstance, we won't use the photo or brochure for commercial purposes like sale or auction. However, we will be able to give you the contact details of the photographer/ gallery/ organizers if you need to get in touch with them for your mutual benefit.
- For research or making a catalogue of the archive or for promotional purposes, we may use a photo of the entire brochure with due credit.
- Usually a card or brochure contains contact information of the photographer & gallery. This collection is therefore is a huge database of valuable contacts/leads. If anyone asks for this information, like photo agency, gallery, photo gallery, etc., we will provide it.